Friday, 11 May 2018

Technical English - Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

Technical English
- Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

Subject : Technical English


  1. Listening to Informal Conversations and Participating - Answer (click here)
  2. Speaking In Conversation - Answer (click here)
  3. Developing Analytical Thinking - Answer (click here)
  4. Effective use of SMS - Answer (click here)
  5. Use of Emoticons in Email - Answer (click here)
  6. Regular & Irregular Verbs - Answer (click here)
  7. Active Voice & Passive Voice - Answer (click here)
  8. Homonymns & Homophones - Answer (click here)


  1. Conversation Practice - Answer (click here)
  2. Writing a Book Review - Answer (click here)
  3. Reading - Answer (click here)
  4. Writing Summary - Answer (click here)
  5. Personal Letters - Answer (click here)
  6. Modal Verbs - Answer (click here)
  7. Phrasal Verbs - Answer (click here)


  1. Listening to Conversation - Answer (click here)
  2. Conversation with Stress, Intonation & Pronunciation - Answer (click here)
  3. Critical reading - Answer (click here)
  4. Minutes of meeting - Answer (click here)
  5. Writing Technical articles - Answer (click here)
  6. Conditional clauses - Answer (click here)
  7. Cause and effect expression - Answer (click here)
  8. Same word as noun and verb - Answer (click here)
  9. Homonys & Homophones Practice - Answer (click here)


  1. Telephone Conversations - Answer (click here)
  2. Applying for a Job - Cover Letter & Resume Preparation - Answer (click here)
  3. Numerical Expressions - Answer (click here)
  4. Connectives (Discourse Markers) - Answer (click here)
  5. Idioms and their Meanings - Using Idioms in Sentences - Answer (click here)
  6. Different forms of resumes - Answer (click here)
  7. Filling up a resume and cover letter - Answer (click here)


  1. Strategies for Improving Discussion Skills - Answer (click here)
  2. Note Making - Answer (click here)
  3. Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading - Answer (click here)
  4. Check Lists - Yes/No Question Form - Answer (click here)
  5. Report Writing - Answer (click here)
  6. Report of Meeting - Answer (click here)
  7. Use of Clauses - Answer (click here)
  8. Vocabulary- Collocation - Answer (click here)

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