Friday, 11 May 2018

Basic Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering - Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

Basic Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering
- Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

Subject : Basic Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering


  1. Magnetic Circuits and Magnetic Materials - Answer (click here)
  2. Laws Governing Magnetic Circuits - Answer (click here)
  3. Flux Linkage, Inductance and Energy - Answer (click here)
  4. Statically and Dynamically Induced Emf - Answer (click here)
  5. Properties of Magnetic Materials - Answer (click here)
  6. Iron or Core losses - Answer (click here)
  7. AC Operation of Magnetic Circuits - Answer (click here)
  8. Transformer as a Magnetically Coupled Circuit - Answer (click here)
  9. Solved problems - Magnetic Circuits and Magnetic Materials - Answer (click here)
  10. Important Short Questions and Answers : Electrical machines - Magnetic Circuits and Magnetic Materials - Answer (click here)


  1. Transformer - Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation - Answer (click here)
  2. Single Phase Transformer Construction and Principle of Operation - Answer (click here)
  3. EMF Equation of Transformer - Answer (click here)
  4. Transformer on No-Load - Answer (click here)
  5. Transformer on Load - Answer (click here)
  6. Equivalent Circuit of Transformer - Answer (click here)
  7. Regulation of Transformer - Answer (click here)
  8. Transformer Losses and Efficiency - Answer (click here)
  9. All Day Efficiency of Transformer - Answer (click here)
  10. Auto Transformer - Answer (click here)
  11. Solved Problems: Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation - Transformer - Answer (click here)
  12. Important Short Questions and Answers: Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation - Transformer - Answer (click here)


  1. Transformer: Principle of Operation - Answer (click here)
  2. An ideal Transformer: Principle of Operation - Answer (click here)
  3. Induction Law - Transformer - Answer (click here)
  4. Equivalent Circuit of Transformer - Answer (click here)
  5. Transformer Losses - Answer (click here)
  6. Transformer Tests - Answer (click here)
  7. Efficiency of a Transformer - Answer (click here)
  8. Voltage Regulation of Transformer - Answer (click here)
  9. Auto Transformer - Answer (click here)
  10. Three-phase autotransformer connection - Answer (click here)
  11. Parallel Operation of Transformers - Answer (click here)
  12. Tap Changing in Transformer - Answer (click here)
  13. Solved Problems - Transformer - Electrical machines - Answer (click here)
  14. Important Short Questions and Answers: Electrical machines - Transformer - Answer (click here)


  1. Three Phase Circuits, A Review - Answer (click here)
  2. Construction of DC Machines - Answer (click here)
  3. Theory of Operation of DC Generators - Answer (click here)
  4. Characteristics of DC Generators - Answer (click here)
  5. Operating Principle of DC Motors and Torque Equation - Answer (click here)
  6. Types of DC Motors and their Characteristics - Answer (click here)
  7. Speed Control of DC Motors - Answer (click here)
  8. Application of DC Motor - Answer (click here)
  9. Solved Problems: Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation - DC Machines - Answer (click here)
  10. Important Short Questions and Answers: Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation - DC Machines - Answer (click here)


  1. Construction of DC Machines - Answer (click here)
  2. Lap Winding - Answer (click here)
  3. Wave Winding - Answer (click here)
  4. EMF Equation of DC Generators - Answer (click here)
  5. Armature reaction - Answer (click here)
  6. Methods of excitation of the field windings - Answer (click here)
  7. Methods of Excitation used for DC Generator - Answer (click here)
  8. Commutation and Interpoles - Answer (click here)
  9. DC Generator Characteristics - Answer (click here)
  10. Important short questions and answers: DC Generators - Answer (click here)
  11. Principle of operation of a D.C. Motor - Answer (click here)
  12. Working of D.C. Motor - Answer (click here)
  13. Types of DC Motors - Answer (click here)
  14. DC Motor Characteristics - Answer (click here)
  15. Speed Control of DC Shunt Motor: Varying Armature Resistance, Field Resistance - Answer (click here)
  16. Starting of DC Motors - Answer (click here)
  17. Three Point Starter: Working principle - Answer (click here)
  18. Four Point Starter - Answer (click here)
  19. Swinburne’s Test - Answer (click here)
  20. Hopkinson’s test: Procedure, Calculation of efficiency, Advantages, Disadvantages - Answer (click here)
  21. Braking of DC shunt motor - Answer (click here)
  22. Important Short questions and answers: DC Motor - Electrical machines - Answer (click here)


  1. Types, Construction and Working of 3 Phase Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  2. Equivalent Circuit of Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  3. Construction of Single-Phase Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  4. Types of Single Phase Induction Motors and Double Revolving Field Theory - Answer (click here)
  5. Starting Methods of Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  6. Types, Construction and Working Principle of Synchronous Generator or Alternator - Answer (click here)
  7. Equation of Induced EMF - Synchronous Generator or Alternator - Answer (click here)
  8. Voltage Regulation - Synchronous Generator or Alternator - Answer (click here)
  9. Working Principle and Methods of Starting of Synchronous Motors - Answer (click here)
  10. V Curves - Answer (click here)
  11. Important Short Questions and Answers: Induction Machines and Synchronous Machines - Answer (click here)


  1. Fundamental Principles of A.C. Machines - Answer (click here)
  2. E.M.F. equation of an elementary alternator single phase - Answer (click here)
  3. E.M.F. equation of an elementary alternator three phase - Answer (click here)
  4. Relation between speed and frequency - Answer (click here)
  5. Factors affecting the induced emf (Coil Pitch and Distributed Windings) - Synchronous Generator - Answer (click here)
  6. Armature Reaction - Synchronous Generator - Answer (click here)
  7. Synchronous Generators - Answer (click here)
  8. Open circuit characteristic (OCC) and Short Circuit Characteristics (SCC) of a Synchronous generator - Answer (click here)
  9. Armature Reaction Reactance - Synchronous Generators - Answer (click here)
  10. Synchronous reactance - Answer (click here)
  11. Short Circuit Ratio (SCR) - Synchronous Generator - Answer (click here)
  12. Load Characteristics - Synchronous Generator - Answer (click here)
  13. Potier Reactance - Synchronous Generator - Answer (click here)
  14. Voltage Regulation - Synchronous Generator - Answer (click here)
  15. Methods of finding Voltage Regulation in Synchronous Generator - Answer (click here)
  16. Power angle characteristics - Answer (click here)
  17. Salient pole alternators and Blondel's Two Reaction Theory - Answer (click here)
  18. Direct-axis and Quadrature-axis Synchronous Reactances - Answer (click here)
  19. Power Angle Characteristic of Salient Pole Machine - Answer (click here)
  20. Slip Test - Answer (click here)
  21. Parallel Operation of Alternators - Answer (click here)
  22. Synchronizing Current - Answer (click here)
  23. Effect of Change of Excitation - Answer (click here)
  24. Effect of Change of Input Torque - Answer (click here)
  25. Sharing of load when two alternators are in parallel - Answer (click here)
  26. Prime-mover Governor Characteristic - Answer (click here)
  27. Important Short Questions and Answers: Synchronous Generator - Answer (click here)
  28. Synchronous Motors: Construction, Operating Principle, Equivalent Circuit - Answer (click here)
  29. Phasor Diagram - Synchronous Motors - Answer (click here)
  30. Torque and Power Relations - Answer (click here)
  31. V-Curves and Inverted V-Curves - Answer (click here)
  32. Effect of Changing Field Excitation at Constant Load - Answer (click here)
  33. Synchronous Condenser and its Advantages, Disadvantages - Answer (click here)
  34. Methods of starting synchronous motor - Answer (click here)
  35. Performance Characteristic of Synchronous Motors - Answer (click here)
  36. Hunting and Damper Winding - Answer (click here)
  37. Synchronous Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  38. Important Short Questions and Answers: Synchronous Motors - Answer (click here)
  39. Three Phase Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  40. Types and Construction of Three Phase Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  41. Squirrel cage Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  42. Slip ring Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  43. Principle of Operation - Three Phase Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  44. Rotating Magnetic Field and Induced Voltages - Answer (click here)
  45. Alternate Analysis for Rotating Magnetic Field - Answer (click here)
  46. Phasor Diagram of Three Phase Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  47. Equivalent Circuit of Three Phase Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  48. Power and Torque Relations of Three Phase Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  49. Induction Motor Torque - Answer (click here)
  50. Rotor Output - Answer (click here)
  51. Circle Diagram - analyse the three phase induction motor performance - Answer (click here)
  52. Tests to Determine the Equivalent Circuit Parameters - Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  53. Construction of Circle Diagram - Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  54. Performance Characteristics of Three phase Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  55. Operation with Unbalanced Supply Voltage on Polyphase Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  56. Important Short Questions and Answers: Three Phase Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  57. Methods of Starting Three Phase Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  58. Starting of Slip-Ring Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  59. Speed control of Three Phase Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  60. Changing applied voltage - Speed control of Three Phase Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  61. Rotor resistance control - Speed control of Three Phase Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  62. Cascade control - Speed control of Three Phase Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  63. Pole changing method - Speed control of Three Phase Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  64. Stator frequency control - Speed control of Three Phase Induction Motors - Answer (click here)
  65. Power Stages in an Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  66. Double Cage Induction Motor: Construction, Working - Answer (click here)
  67. Cogging and Crawling of Induction Motor - Answer (click here)
  68. Induction Generator - Answer (click here)
  69. Induction Generator advantages, disadvantages and Application - Answer (click here)
  70. Induction Motor Braking Regenerative Plugging Dynamic - Answer (click here)
  71. Important Short Questions and Answers: Starting and Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor - Answer (click here)


  1. Transducers - Answer (click here)
  2. Classification of Electrical Transducers - Answer (click here)
  3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Electrical Transducers - Answer (click here)
  4. Characteristics of Transducer - Answer (click here)
  5. Transducer Selection Factors - Answer (click here)
  6. Resistance Transducers - Answer (click here)
  7. Resistance Thermometers: Construction, Advantages, Limitations - Answer (click here)
  8. Thermistors: Construction, Advantages, Limitations - Answer (click here)
  9. Capacitive Transducers and its Application - Answer (click here)
  10. Inductive Transducers - Answer (click here)
  11. Digital Transducers - Answer (click here)
  12. Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Measurement - Answer (click here)
  13. Errors in Measurement - Answer (click here)
  14. Strain gauge: Principle of Working, Materials Used, Applications - Answer (click here)
  15. Capacitive Transducers - Answer (click here)
  16. Piezo electric transducer - Answer (click here)
  17. Variable Inductive Transducers: LVDT and RVDT - Answer (click here)
  18. Important Short Questions and Answers: Basics of Measurement and Instrumentation - Answer (click here)


  1. D.C and A.C Bridges - Answer (click here)
  2. Wheatstone bridge(Null-type, D.C. bridge) - Answer (click here)
  3. Deflection-type D.C. bridge - Answer (click here)
  4. Null-type impedance A.C bridge - Answer (click here)
  5. Maxwell bridge: Definition, Circuit Diagram, Explanation, Advantages and Disadvantages - Answer (click here)
  6. Schering Bridge: Definition, Circuit Diagram, Explanation, Advantages - Answer (click here)
  7. Hay Bridge: Definition, Circuit Diagram, Explanation, Advantages and Disadvantages - Answer (click here)
  8. Wien bridge: Definition, Circuit Diagram, Explanation, Advantages - Answer (click here)
  9. Transformer Ratio Bridges & Self-Balancing Bridges - Answer (click here)
  10. Digital Voltmeter (DVM) - Answer (click here)
  11. Digital Multi Meter (DMM) - Answer (click here)
  12. Storage oscilloscope - Answer (click here)
  13. Wheat stone bridge and Kelvin’s double bridge - Answer (click here)
  14. Q-Meter - Answer (click here)
  15. Important Short Questions and Answers: Analog and Digital Instruments - Answer (click here)

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