Friday, 11 May 2018

Maternal and Child Health Nursing - Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

Maternal and Child Health Nursing
- Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

Subject : Maternal and Child Health Nursing

Anatomy and physiology of female reproductive

  1. Introduction - Anatomy and physiology of female reproductive system - Answer (click here)
  2. Bony Pelvis - Answer (click here)
  3. Pelvic floor - Answer (click here)
  4. Part of the fetal skull - Answer (click here)
  5. Measurements of the fetal skull - Answer (click here)
  6. Importance of the fetal skull to the midwife - Answer (click here)
  7. The scalp - Answer (click here)
  8. The intracranial membranes and sinuses - Fetal skull - Answer (click here)
  9. Moulding - Fetal skull - Answer (click here)

The Female Reproductive System

  1. The Vulva - Answer (click here)
  2. The Vagina - Answer (click here)
  3. The Uterus - Answer (click here)
  4. The Fallopian Tubes - Answer (click here)
  5. The Ovaries - Answer (click here)
  6. The Menstrual Cycle - Answer (click here)
  7. Minor Discomforts Associated With Menstruation - Answer (click here)
  8. Menopause - Answer (click here)

The Male Reproductive System

  1. The Male Reproductive System - Answer (click here)
  2. External Organs - Male Reproductive System - Answer (click here)
  3. Internal Organs - Male Reproductive System - Answer (click here)
  4. The Male Hormones - Answer (click here)
  5. Formation of the Spermatozoa: Spermatogenes (Spermatogenesis) - Answer (click here)
  6. Sperm - Answer (click here)

Fetal Development Placenta Development and Fetal Circulation

  1. Fetal and Placental Development and Fetal Circulation - Answer (click here)
  2. Formation of the Decidua - Answer (click here)
  3. Growth and Development of the Fertilised Ovum - Answer (click here)
  4. The Placenta Development - Answer (click here)
  5. Functions of the Placenta - Answer (click here)
  6. The Membranes - Placenta - Answer (click here)
  7. The Umbilical Cord or Funis - Answer (click here)
  8. Diseases of the Placenta - Answer (click here)
  9. Fetal Circulation - Answer (click here)

Urinary System

  1. Urinary System - Answer (click here)
  2. Kidneys - Answer (click here)
  3. Functions of the kidney - Answer (click here)
  4. The ureters - Answer (click here)
  5. The bladder - Answer (click here)
  6. The urethra - Answer (click here)
  7. Micturation - Answer (click here)
  8. Psychological changes in pregnancy, labour and puerperium - Answer (click here)
  9. The breast - Answer (click here)
  10. Physiology of Lactation - breast - Answer (click here)

Physiology of Pregnancy

  1. Physiology of Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  2. Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  3. Differential Diagnosis - Physiology of Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  4. Physiological changes due to pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  5. The minor disorders of pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  6. Psychosocial care in pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  7. Digestive system - The minor disorders of pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  8. Musculoskeletal system - The minor disorders of pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  9. Genito-urinary system - The minor disorders of pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  10. Circulatory system - The minor disorders of pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  11. Nervous system - The minor disorders of pregnancy - Answer (click here)

Prenatal Care

  1. Prenatal Care - Answer (click here)
  2. Aim of antenatal care - Answer (click here)
  3. Process of Antenatal care - Answer (click here)
  4. Advice to the Pregnant Woman - Answer (click here)
  5. General examination of the ante-natal patients - Answer (click here)
  6. Investigations - General examination of the ante-natal patients - Answer (click here)
  7. Abdominal examination - General examination of the ante-natal patients - Answer (click here)
  8. Head fitting - General examination of the ante-natal patients - Answer (click here)
  9. Calculation of expected date of delivery (EDD) - Answer (click here)
  10. Prenatal screening for hospital delivery - Answer (click here)


  1. Labour - Answer (click here)
  2. Stages of labour - Answer (click here)
  3. Duration of labor - Answer (click here)
  4. Physiology of labour - Answer (click here)
  5. Methods of placental separation - Answer (click here)
  6. Causes of onset of labor: Hormonal and Mechanical Theories - Answer (click here)
  7. Signs of Labour - Answer (click here)
  8. Mechanism of normal labor - Answer (click here)
  9. Pain relief in labour - Answer (click here)
  10. Methods of Pain relief in labour - Answer (click here)
  11. Drugs used in labour - Answer (click here)

Management of Labor

  1. Management of patient in labour - Answer (click here)
  2. Indications for vaginal examination - Answer (click here)
  3. Subsequent management of labour - Answer (click here)
  4. Second stage - Management of patient in labour - Answer (click here)
  5. Methods of delivery - Management of patient in labour - Answer (click here)
  6. Left lateral position - Management of patient in labour - Answer (click here)
  7. Management of third stage - Management of patient in labour - Answer (click here)
  8. Care after the delivery of the placenta - Answer (click here)
  9. Episiotomy - Answer (click here)


  1. Puerperium - Answer (click here)
  2. Psychology of puerperium - Answer (click here)
  3. Restoration of ovulation and menstruation - Answer (click here)
  4. Management of puerperium - Answer (click here)
  5. Birth control/family planning methods - Answer (click here)

Abnormal Conditions in Pregnancy and Labour

  1. Abnormal Conditions in Pregnancy and Labour - Answer (click here)
  2. Cephalopelvic Disproportion - (CPD) - Answer (click here)
  3. Retroverted Gravid Uterus - Answer (click here)
  4. Breast Conditions - Abnormal Conditions in Pregnancy and Labour - Answer (click here)
  5. Hyperemesis Gravidarum - Answer (click here)
  6. Psychosis in Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  7. Harmful and Traditional Practices against Women and Children - Answer (click here)
  8. Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Answer (click here)
  9. Non-venereal Vaginal Infections - Answer (click here)
  10. Other Acute Infections - Abnormal Conditions in Pregnancy and Labour - Answer (click here)

Obstetric Conditions that Complicate Pregnancy

  1. Obstetric Conditions that Complicate Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  2. Essential Hypertension - Answer (click here)
  3. Intra Uterine Death of Fetus (IUD) - Answer (click here)
  4. Polyhydraminios - Answer (click here)
  5. Postmaturity (Prolonged Pregnancy) - Answer (click here)
  6. Multiple Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  7. Diagnosis of twins - Answer (click here)
  8. The Effect of Twins on Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  9. The Effect of Twins on Labour - Answer (click here)

Medical Conditions in Pregnancy

  1. Medical Conditions in Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  2. Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  3. Cardiac Diseases - Answer (click here)
  4. Anaemia in Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  5. Nutritional or Pathological Anaemia In Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  6. Folic Acid Deficiency Anaemia - Answer (click here)
  7. Sickle Cell (Disease Anaemia in Pregnancy) - Answer (click here)
  8. Malaria in Pregnancy - Answer (click here)


  1. Malpresentations/Positions - Answer (click here)
  2. Breech Presentation - Answer (click here)
  3. Occipito Posterior Position - Answer (click here)
  4. Abnormal Uterine Action: Definition, Causes and Types - Answer (click here)
  5. Transverse Lie/ Shoulder Presentation: Causes, Diagnosis, Management - Answer (click here)

Obstetric Emergencies

  1. Obstetric Emergencies - Answer (click here)
  2. Bleeding In Early Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  3. Abortion and Causes, Types of Abortion - Answer (click here)
  4. Blood Mole - Bleeding In Early Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  5. Extra-uterine Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  6. Abdominal Pregnancy - Bleeding In Early Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  7. Hydatidiform Mole - Answer (click here)
  8. Post Abortion Care (PAC) - Answer (click here)
  9. Bleeding In Late Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  10. Management of Undiagnosed APH - Answer (click here)
  11. Placental Praevia - Answer (click here)
  12. Abruptio Placenta - Answer (click here)
  13. Obstructed Labour - Answer (click here)
  14. Rupture of Uterus - Answer (click here)
  15. Cord Presentation - Answer (click here)
  16. Cord Prolapse - Answer (click here)
  17. Maternal and Fetal Distress - Answer (click here)
  18. Obstetric Shock - Answer (click here)
  19. Mendelson’s syndrome (Pulmonary acid Aspiration Syndrome) - Answer (click here)
  20. Amniotic Fluids Embolism - Answer (click here)
  21. Endotoxic Shock - Answer (click here)

Abnormal Puerperium

  1. Sub-Involution - Abnormal Puerperium - Answer (click here)
  2. Post Partum Hemorrhage - Answer (click here)
  3. Puerperal Pyrexia - Answer (click here)
  4. Thrombotic Diseases - Answer (click here)
  5. Puerperal Psychosis - Answer (click here)

Obstetric Interventions

  1. Obstetric Interventions - Answer (click here)
  2. Episiotomy /Perineal Laceration - Answer (click here)
  3. Types of Episiotomy /Perineal Laceration - Answer (click here)
  4. Induction of Labour - Answer (click here)
  5. Vacuum Extraction - Ventouse - Answer (click here)
  6. Forceps Delivery - Answer (click here)
  7. Symphysiotomy - Answer (click here)
  8. Caesarean Section and Types of Caesarean Section - Answer (click here)
  9. Amniocentesis - Answer (click here)
  10. Cordocentesis - Answer (click here)
  11. Destructive Operations (Embryotomy) - Answer (click here)

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