Friday, 11 May 2018

Psychiatry - Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

- Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

Subject : Psychiatry

Listening to the Patient

  1. Listening: The Key Skill in Psychiatry - Answer (click here)
  2. The Primary Tools: Words, Analogies, Metaphors, Similes and Symbols - Answer (click here)
  3. How Does One Hear Words in This Way? - Answer (click here)
  4. Listening as More Than Hearing - Answer (click here)
  5. Common Blocks to Effective Listening - Answer (click here)
  6. Crucial Attitudes that Enable Effective Listening - Answer (click here)
  7. Theoretical Perspectives on Listening - Answer (click here)
  8. Using Oneself in Listening - Answer (click here)
  9. To Be Found: The Psychological Product of Being Heard - Answer (click here)
  10. Listening to Oneself to Listen Better - Answer (click here)
  11. Listening in Special Clinical Situations - Answer (click here)
  12. Growing and Maturing as a Listener - Answer (click here)

The Cultural Context of Clinical Assessment

  1. Introduction: The Cultural Matrix of Psychiatry - Answer (click here)
  2. What Is Culture? - Answer (click here)
  3. Culture and Gender - Answer (click here)
  4. The Cultural Formulation - Answer (click here)
  5. Ethnocultural Identity - Answer (click here)
  6. Illness Explanations and Help-seeking - Answer (click here)
  7. Psychosocial Environment and Levels of Functioning - Answer (click here)
  8. Clinician–Patient Relationship - Answer (click here)
  9. Overall Assessment - Answer (click here)
  10. Cultural Competence - Answer (click here)
  11. Working with Interpreters and Culture-brokers - Answer (click here)
  12. Conclusion: The Limits of Culture - Answer (click here)

The Psychiatric Interview Settings and Techniques

  1. The Psychiatric Interview: Settings and Techniques - Answer (click here)
  2. Goals of the Psychiatric Interview - Answer (click here)
  3. What Is the Diagnosis? - Answer (click here)
  4. The Psychiatric Database - Answer (click here)
  5. Database Components - Answer (click here)
  6. Conduct of the Interview: Factors Which Affect the Interview - Answer (click here)
  7. General Features of Psychiatric Interviews - Answer (click here)
  8. Phases of the Interview - Answer (click here)
  9. Dimensions of Interviewing Techniques - Answer (click here)

PhysicianPatient Relationship

  1. Physician–Patient Relationship - Answer (click here)
  2. Formation of the Physician–Patient Relationship - Answer (click here)
  3. Special Issues in the Physician–Patient Relationship - Answer (click here)
  4. The Physician–Patient Relationship in Specific Populations of Patients - Answer (click here)

Professional Ethics and Boundaries

  1. Professional Ethics and Boundaries - Answer (click here)
  2. Ethical Behavior and its Relationship to the Professional Attitude - Answer (click here)
  3. The Coherent Treatment Frame and the Role of Therapeutic Boundaries in Effective Psychiatric Treatment - Answer (click here)
  4. Boundary Violations - Answer (click here)
  5. Components of the Coherent Psychiatric Frame - Answer (click here)
  6. Stability - Answer (click here)
  7. Avoiding Dual Relationships - Answer (click here)
  8. Autonomy and Neutrality - Answer (click here)
  9. Coherent and Noncollusive Compensation - Answer (click here)
  10. Confidentiality - Answer (click here)
  11. Anonymity - Answer (click here)
  12. Abstinence - Answer (click here)
  13. Self-respect and Self-protection - Answer (click here)

Law Ethics and Psychiatry

  1. Overview of Legal Principles - Answer (click here)
  2. Rights and Responsibilities - Answer (click here)
  3. Confidentiality and Privilege - Answer (click here)
  4. Informed Consent - Answer (click here)
  5. Exceptions to Informed Consent - Answer (click here)
  6. Medicolegal Aspects of Clinical Practice - Answer (click here)
  7. Third Party Payers and the Psychiatrist - Answer (click here)
  8. Liability for Supervising Other Professionals - Answer (click here)
  9. Criminal Law and Psychiatry - Answer (click here)
  10. Civil Litigation - Answer (click here)
  11. Competence, Capacity and Guardianship - Answer (click here)
  12. Special Issues - Answer (click here)
  13. Psychiatric Ethics - Answer (click here)
  14. Sources of Psychiatric Ethics - Answer (click here)
  15. Potential Consequences of Diagnostic Labels - Answer (click here)
  16. Ethics of Psychiatric Research - Answer (click here)
  17. Ethics and Suicide - Answer (click here)
  18. Ethical Dimensions of Health System Changes - Answer (click here)

A Psychiatric Perspective on Human Development

  1. A Psychiatric Perspective on Human Development - Answer (click here)
  2. Theories and Models of Development - Answer (click here)
  3. Biological Development - Answer (click here)
  4. Cognitive Developmen - Answer (click here)
  5. Emotional Development - Answer (click here)
  6. Social Development - Answer (click here)
  7. Moral Development - Answer (click here)
  8. Developmental Psychopathology - Answer (click here)
  9. High-Risk Periods for Psychopathology - Answer (click here)
  10. Interlineal Decalage - Answer (click here)
  11. The Psychiatrist as a Developmentalist - Answer (click here)

Psychopathology Across the Life Cycle

  1. Psychopathology Across the Life-Cycle - Answer (click here)
  2. Continuity, Persistence and Progression Across the Life-Cycle - Answer (click here)
  3. Stress-diathesis Model of Psychopathology - Answer (click here)
  4. Pathoplastic Effects of Age - Answer (click here)
  5. Problems of Childhood - Answer (click here)
  6. Problems of Adolescence - Answer (click here)
  7. Problems of Early Adulthood - Answer (click here)
  8. Problems of Middle Adult Life - Answer (click here)
  9. Problems of Late Life - Answer (click here)

Psychiatric Epidemiology

  1. Psychiatric Epidemiology - Answer (click here)
  2. The Scope of Inquiry in Psychiatric Epidemiology - Answer (click here)
  3. Measures of Disease Frequency - Answer (click here)
  4. Measures of Association - Answer (click here)
  5. Instruments to Identify Cases - Answer (click here)
  6. Psychometric Properties of Instruments - Answer (click here)
  7. Risk Factor Identification - Answer (click here)
  8. Types of Epidemiological Studies - Answer (click here)
  9. Threats to Validity in Epidemiological Studies - Answer (click here)
  10. Examples of Psychiatric Epidemiologic Studies - Answer (click here)
  11. The Epidemiological Catchment Area Study - Answer (click here)
  12. The National Comorbidity Survey - Answer (click here)

Psychiatric Pathophysiology Schizophrenia

  1. Pursuing the Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia - Answer (click here)
  2. Clinical Pharmacology in Schizophrenia - Answer (click here)
  3. Preclinical Studies Relevant to the Pathophysiology of Schizophrenia - Answer (click here)
  4. Systems Pathology in Schizophrenia: The Limbic Cortex - Answer (click here)
  5. Postmortem Limbic Cortex Abnormalities in Schizophrenia: Structural Changes - Answer (click here)

Psychiatric Pathophysiology Mood Disorders

  1. Genetic Factors - Answer (click here)
  2. Molecular Genetic Research - Answer (click here)
  3. Monoamine Alterations - Answer (click here)
  4. Neuropeptides and Hormones - Answer (click here)
  5. Neuroimaging Studies - Answer (click here)

Psychiatric Pathophysiology Anxiety Disorders

  1. Psychiatric Pathophysiology: Anxiety Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA) - Answer (click here)
  3. Glutamate - Answer (click here)
  4. NMDA Receptors - Answer (click here)
  5. Linking NMDA Receptors to Biogenic Amine-based Anxiolytics - Answer (click here)
  6. Group II Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors - Answer (click here)
  7. Serotonin - Answer (click here)
  8. Norepinephrine - Answer (click here)

Psychiatric Pathophysiology Addiction

  1. Psychiatric Pathophysiology: Addiction - Answer (click here)
  2. The Development of Addiction - Answer (click here)
  3. Brain Circuitry and Addiction - Answer (click here)

Psychiatric Pathophysiology Dementia

  1. Psychiatric Pathophysiology: Dementia - Answer (click here)

Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology

  1. What Is Cognitive Neuroscience? - Answer (click here)
  2. Current Theoretical Conceptualization of Brain Organization - Answer (click here)
  3. Psychiatry: Memory - Answer (click here)
  4. Cellular Basis of Memory - Answer (click here)
  5. Major Subdivisions of Memory Systems - Answer (click here)
  6. Frontal Lobe Contribution to Explicit Memory - Answer (click here)
  7. Implicit Memory - Answer (click here)
  8. Executive Functioning and the Frontal Lobes - Answer (click here)
  9. Working Memory - Answer (click here)
  10. Theories of Frontal Lobe Functioning - Answer (click here)
  11. Behavioral–Neuroanatomical Correlates - Answer (click here)
  12. Psychiatry: Attention - Answer (click here)
  13. Psychiatry: Language - Answer (click here)
  14. Important Issues in Language Research - Answer (click here)
  15. Acquired Language Disorders: The Example of Aphasia - Answer (click here)
  16. Concepts of Neuroanatomical Dominance and Localization in Language - Answer (click here)
  17. Psychiatry: Model of Language - Answer (click here)
  18. Neurodevelopmental Aspects of Language - Answer (click here)
  19. Brain Organization and Language Development - Answer (click here)

Cognitive Psychology Basic Theory and Clinical Implications

  1. Cognitive Psychology: Basic Theory and Clinical Implications - Answer (click here)
  2. Cognitive Psychology: Attention - Answer (click here)
  3. Cognitive Psychology: Anxiety Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) - Answer (click here)
  5. Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder - Answer (click here)
  6. Borderline Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  7. Cognitive Psychology: Memory - Answer (click here)
  8. Clinical Depression, Memory and Schemata Bias - Answer (click here)
  9. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Repression and Memory Impairment - Answer (click here)
  10. Higher Order Cognitive Processing - Answer (click here)
  11. Automatic Versus Conscious Processing - Answer (click here)

Social Psychology

  1. Social Psychology: The Self - Answer (click here)
  2. Social Psychology: Social Cognition - Answer (click here)
  3. Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes: Attachment - Answer (click here)
  4. Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes: Treatment Relationship - Answer (click here)
  5. Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes: The Egoism-Altruism Debate - Answer (click here)
  6. Social Psychology: Interpersonal Processes: Aggressive Behavior - Answer (click here)
  7. Social Psychology: Behavior in Groups - Answer (click here)
  8. Social Psychology: Culture and Social Psychology - Answer (click here)

Psychoanalytic Theories

  1. Psychoanalytic Theories: Development and Major Concepts - Answer (click here)
  2. Psychoanalytic Theories: Melanie Klein - Answer (click here)
  3. Psychoanalytic Theories: Donald W. Winnicott - Answer (click here)
  4. Psychoanalytic Theories: John Bowlby - Answer (click here)
  5. Psychoanalytic Theories: Margaret Mahler - Answer (click here)
  6. Psychoanalytic Theories: Otto Kernberg - Answer (click here)
  7. Psychoanalytic Theories: Erik H. Erikson - Answer (click here)
  8. Psychoanalytic Theories: Heinz Kohut: Self-psychology - Answer (click here)

Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Planning A Multimodal Approach

  1. Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Planning: A Multimodal Approach - Answer (click here)
  2. Psychiatric Interview - Answer (click here)
  3. Physical Examination - Answer (click here)
  4. Neurological Examination - Answer (click here)
  5. Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing - Answer (click here)
  6. Neuropsychological Examination Compared with Other Examinations - Answer (click here)
  7. Types of Referral Questions for Neuropsychological Evaluation - Answer (click here)
  8. Characterization of Adaptive Strengths and Weaknesses and Treatment Planning - Answer (click here)
  9. Assessment of Change of State - Answer (click here)
  10. Limitations of Reliability and Validity - Answer (click here)
  11. Laboratory Assessments - Answer (click here)
  12. Neurophysiologic Assessment - Answer (click here)
  13. Brain Imaging - Answer (click here)
  14. Structural Imaging Modalities - Answer (click here)
  15. Functional Imaging Modalities - Answer (click here)
  16. Special Assessment Techniques - Answer (click here)
  17. Treatment Planning - Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Planning: A Multimodal Approach - Answer (click here)
  18. Differential Diagnosis - Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Planning: A Multimodal Approach - Answer (click here)

Behavior and Adaptive Functioning

  1. Personality Style - Answer (click here)
  2. Domains of Functioning - Answer (click here)
  3. Social and Interpersonal Functioning - Answer (click here)
  4. Occupational Functioning - Answer (click here)
  5. Leisure - Answer (click here)
  6. Assessing Behavior and Adaptive Functioning in the Clinical Interview - Answer (click here)

Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders

  1. Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Specific Cultural Considerations - Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Substance Use Disorders - Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Schizophrenia and Related Psychotic Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Mood Disorders - Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  6. Anxiety Disorders - Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  7. Somatoform Disorders - Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  8. Dissociative Disorders - Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  9. Sexual Disorders - Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  10. Eating Disorders - Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  11. Adjustment and Personality Disorders - Cultural Aspects of Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  12. The Case of Culture-bound Syndromes and Idioms of Distress - Answer (click here)

Psychiatric Classification

  1. Goals of a Psychiatric Classification - Answer (click here)
  2. Approaches to Psychiatric Classification - Answer (click here)
  3. DSM-IV Multiaxial System - Answer (click here)
  4. DSM-IV-TR Classification and Diagnostic Codes - Answer (click here)

Diagnostic Classification in Infancy and Early Childhood

  1. Diagnostic Classification in Infancy and Early Childhood - Answer (click here)
  2. Principles of Assessment - Diagnostic Classification in Infancy and Early Childhood - Answer (click here)
  3. The DIR Model - Diagnostic Classification in Infancy and Early Childhood - Answer (click here)
  4. Overview of the Classification System - Infancy and Early Childhood - Answer (click here)

Childhood Disorders Mental Retardation

  1. Concept of Childhood Mental Retardation - Answer (click here)
  2. Etiology and Pathophysiology of Childhood Mental Retardation - Answer (click here)
  3. Approaches to Classification of the Causation of Mental Retardation - Answer (click here)
  4. Assessment of Mental Retardation - Answer (click here)
  5. Overall Goals of Treatment of Mental Retardation - Answer (click here)
  6. Mental Retardation: Variations in Presentation, Behavior Disorders, Assessment - Answer (click here)
  7. Mental Retardation: Evaluation of Clinical Data, Aggression - Answer (click here)
  8. Overall Goals of Psychiatric Treatment of Persons with Mental Retardation - Answer (click here)
  9. Principles of the Use of Psychotropic Drugs in Persons with Mental Retardation - Answer (click here)
  10. Mental Retardation: Psychosocial Interventions - Answer (click here)
  11. Mental Retardation: Psychotherapies, Behavioral Treatment - Answer (click here)
  12. Psychiatrist–Patient Relationship: Models of Delivery of Psychiatric Services - Answer (click here)

Childhood Disorders Learning and Motor Skills Disorders

  1. Childhood Disorders: Learning and Motor Skills Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Diagnosis of a Learning Disorder or Motor Skills Disorder - Answer (click here)
  3. Evaluation of the Child or Adolescent - Answer (click here)
  4. Environmental and Cultural Assessment - Learning and Motor Skills Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Treatment, Educational, Psychotherapeutic Interventions - Learning and Motor Skills Disorders - Answer (click here)

Childhood Disorders Communication Disorders

  1. Childhood Disorders: Communication Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Diagnosis - Childhood Disorders: Communication Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Course and Natural History - Childhood Disorders: Communication Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Treatment - Childhood Disorders: Communication Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Academic Comorbidity and Outcome - Childhood Disorders: Communication Disorders - Answer (click here)
  6. Comparison of DSM-IV/ICD-10 Diagnostic Criteria - Childhood Disorders: Communication Disorders - Answer (click here)

Childhood Disorders The Autism Spectrum Disorders

  1. Childhood Disorders: The Autism Spectrum Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Phenomenology - Childhood Disorders: The Autism Spectrum Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Etiology and Pathophysiology - Childhood Disorders: The Autism Spectrum Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Biochemical Findings in ASD - Childhood Disorders: The Autism Spectrum Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Neuropathological Findings in ASD - Childhood Disorders: The Autism Spectrum Disorders - Answer (click here)
  6. Functional Neuroimaging Findings in ASD(Autism Spectrum Disorders) - Answer (click here)
  7. Genetics and ASD(Autism Spectrum Disorders) - Answer (click here)
  8. Autistic Disorder and MMR Vaccinations - Answer (click here)
  9. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Assessment and Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  10. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  11. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Epidemiology and Comorbidity - Answer (click here)
  12. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Course - Answer (click here)
  13. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Treatment - Answer (click here)
  14. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Comparison of DSM-IV/ICD-10 Diagnostic Criteria - Answer (click here)

Childhood Disorders Attention deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders

  1. Childhood Disorders: Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Epidemiology and Etiology - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Neurobiology - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Genetics - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Environmental Factors - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  6. Course and Natural History- Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  7. Assessment and Rating Scales- Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  8. Interviews, Psychological/Psychometric Evaluation- Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  9. Observational and Laboratory Measures - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  10. Differential Diagnoses - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  11. Treatment - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  12. Psychopharmacology - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  13. Psychosocial Interventions - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  14. The MTA Study - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)
  15. Impact of Comorbidity on Treatment - Attention-deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders - Answer (click here)

Childhood Disorders Feeding and Other Disorders of Infancy or Early Childhood

  1. Childhood Disorders: Feeding and Other Disorders of Infancy or Early Childhood - Answer (click here)
  2. Feeding Disorder of State Regulation - Answer (click here)
  3. Feeding Disorder of Poor Care Giver–Infant Reciprocity - Answer (click here)
  4. Infantile Anorexia - Answer (click here)
  5. Sensory Food Aversions - Answer (click here)
  6. Post Traumatic Feeding Disorder - Answer (click here)
  7. Rumination Disorder - Answer (click here)
  8. Pica - Answer (click here)

Childhood Disorders Tic Disorders

  1. Tic Disorders: Phenomenology and Diagnostic Criteria - Answer (click here)
  2. Diagnostic Criteria for the Tic Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Tic Disorders: Epidemiology - Answer (click here)
  4. Tic Disorders: Frequently Cooccurring Symptoms or Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Relationship of the Commonly Cooccurring Symptoms and Conditions with Tourette’s Disorder - Answer (click here)
  6. Tic Disorders: Etiology - Answer (click here)
  7. Tic Disorders: Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  8. Tic Disorders: Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  9. Tic Disorders: Course and Natural History - Answer (click here)
  10. Tic Disorders: Standard Approaches to Treatment - Answer (click here)
  11. Treatment of Cooccurring Psychiatric Disorders in Tourette’s Disorder - Answer (click here)

Childhood Disorders Elimination Disorders and Childhood Anxiety Disorders

  1. Enuresis - Answer (click here)
  2. Encopresis - Answer (click here)
  3. Separation Anxiety Disorder - Answer (click here)
  4. Selective Mutism - Answer (click here)

Delirium and Dementia

  1. Delirium and Dementia - Answer (click here)
  2. Dementia, Delirium and Other Cognitive Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Dementia of the Alzheimer Type - Answer (click here)
  4. Dementia Due to Pick’s Disease - Answer (click here)
  5. Dementia Due to Parkinson’s Disease - Answer (click here)
  6. Dementia Due to Huntington’s Disease - Answer (click here)
  7. Vascular Dementia - Answer (click here)
  8. Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis - Answer (click here)
  9. Creutzfeldt–Jakob Disease - Answer (click here)
  10. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - Answer (click here)
  11. Dementia Due to HIV Diseases - Answer (click here)
  12. Neurosyphilis - Answer (click here)
  13. Dementia Due to Head Trauma - Answer (click here)
  14. Substance-induced Persisting Dementia - Answer (click here)
  15. Alcohol-induced Dementia - Answer (click here)
  16. Dementia Due to Other General Medical Conditions - Answer (click here)
  17. Delirium - Answer (click here)
  18. Amnestic Disorders - Answer (click here)

Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition

  1. Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition - Answer (click here)
  2. Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition - Answer (click here)
  3. Assessment and Differential Diagnosis - Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition - Answer (click here)
  4. Epidemiology, Comorbidity, Course, Treatment - Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition - Answer (click here)
  5. Mood disorder with Depressive Features - Answer (click here)
  6. Mood Disorder with Manic Features - Answer (click here)
  7. Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition with Panic Attacks or with Generalized Anxiety - Answer (click here)
  8. Mood Disorder with Obsessive–Compulsive Symptoms - Answer (click here)
  9. Catatonic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition - Answer (click here)
  10. Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition - Answer (click here)
  11. Pseudobulbar Palsy - Answer (click here)
  12. Klüver–Bucy Syndrome - Answer (click here)

General Approaches to Substance and Polydrug Use Disorders

  1. General Approaches to Substance and Polydrug Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Etiology and Pathophysiology - General Approaches to Substance and Polydrug Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Special Issues in the Psychiatric Examination - General Approaches to Substance and Polydrug Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Course and Natural History - General Approaches to Substance and Polydrug Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Other Substance Use Disorders: Anabolic Steroids - Answer (click here)

Substance Abuse Alcohol Use Disorders

  1. Substance Abuse: Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Etiology and Pathophysiology - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Pathophysiology - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Assessment and Differential Diagnosis - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Alcohol Intoxication - Answer (click here)
  6. Alcohol Withdrawal - Answer (click here)
  7. Alcohol-induced Disorder - Answer (click here)
  8. Assessment of Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  9. Screening - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  10. Psychiatric History and Examination - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  11. Relevant Physical Examination and Laboratory Findings - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  12. Gender and Developmental Presentations - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  13. Epidemiology and Comorbidity - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  14. Psychiatric Comorbidity in Individuals with an Alcohol Use Disorder - Answer (click here)
  15. Course and Natural History - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  16. Treatment - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  17. The Management of Alcohol Withdrawal - Answer (click here)
  18. Therapeutic Modalities: Nonpharmacological - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  19. Therapeutic Modalities: Pharmacological - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  20. The Treatment of Psychiatric Comorbidity in Alcoholics - Answer (click here)
  21. Treatment of Depressive Symptoms/Disorders - Answer (click here)
  22. Treatment of Anxiety Symptoms/Disorders - Answer (click here)
  23. Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Mutual Help Organizations - Answer (click here)
  24. Special Features Influencing Treatment - Alcohol Use Disorders - Answer (click here)

Substance Abuse Caffeine Use Disorders

  1. Caffeine Intoxication - Answer (click here)
  2. Treatment - Caffeine Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Caffeine Withdrawal - Answer (click here)
  4. Caffeine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  5. Caffeine-induced Anxiety Disorder - Answer (click here)
  6. Caffeine-induced Sleep Disorder - Answer (click here)

Substance Abuse Cannabis related Disorders

  1. Substance Abuse: Cannabis-related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Cannabis: Botany and Pharmacology - Answer (click here)
  3. Etiology and Pathophysiology - Cannabis-related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Assessment and Differential Diagnosis - Cannabis-related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Epidemiology and Comorbidity - Cannabis-related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  6. Course - Cannabis-related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  7. Treatment - Cannabis-related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  8. Special Features Influencing Treatment - Cannabis-related Disorders - Answer (click here)

Substance Abuse Cocaine Use Disorders

  1. Substance Abuse: Cocaine Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Gender Differences in Cocaine Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Course and Natural History - Cocaine Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Neurobiological Changes Related to Cocaine Use - Answer (click here)
  5. Diagnosis of Cocaine Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  6. Cocaine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  7. Cocaine Abuse and Cocaine Intoxication - Answer (click here)
  8. Cocaine Withdrawal - Answer (click here)
  9. Medical Complications of Cocaine Abuse - Answer (click here)
  10. Assessment and Treatment Overview - Cocaine Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  11. Cocaine Use Disorders: Clinical Course - Answer (click here)
  12. Treatment of Cocaine Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  13. Psychotherapies for Cocaine Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  14. Physician–Patient Relationship Considerations - Answer (click here)
  15. Pharmacotherapies for Cocaine Use Disorders - Answer (click here)

Substance Abuse Phencycline Use Disorders

  1. Substance Abuse: Phencycline Use Disorders - Answer (click here)

Substance Abuse Hallucinogen and MDMA Related Disorders

  1. Substance Abuse: Hallucinogen- and MDMA-Related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Intoxication - Hallucinogen- and MDMA-Related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. LSD-Related Psychotic Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Differential Diagnosis and Treatment - Hallucinogen- and MDMA-Related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) - Answer (click here)
  6. MDMA (“Ecstasy”) - Answer (click here)

Substance Abuse Inhalant related Disorders

  1. Substance Abuse: Inhalant-related Disorders - Answer (click here)

Substance Abuse Nicotine Dependence

  1. Substance Abuse: Nicotine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  2. Cooccurring Psychiatric or Substance Use Disorders - Nicotine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  3. Etiology and Pathophysiology - Nicotine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  4. Course and Natural History - Nicotine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  5. Evaluation and Assessment - Nicotine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  6. Overall Approach to Treatment - Nicotine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  7. Phases of Treatment - Nicotine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  8. Self-help - Nicotine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  9. Specific Medication and Psychosocial Treatment Interventions - Nicotine Dependence - Answer (click here)
  10. Psychosocial and Psychopharmacological Therapies - Nicotine Dependence - Answer (click here)

Substance Abuse Opioid Use Disorders

  1. Substance Abuse: Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Epidemiology of Opioid Abuse and Dependence - Answer (click here)
  3. Etiology and Pathophysiology of Opioid-related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Clinical Picture of Opioid-related Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Intoxication, Withdrawal, Dependence, Abuse - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  6. Assessment and Clinical Picture - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  7. Course and Natural History of Opioid Dependence - Answer (click here)
  8. Treatment - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  9. Detoxification: Long-term, Short-term, Rapid and Ultra-rapid - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  10. Opioid Agonist Pharmacotherapy - Answer (click here)
  11. Antagonist Maintenance - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  12. Psychosocial/Behavioral Treatments - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  13. Individual Drug Counseling - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  14. Therapeutic Communities (TCs), Addressing Comorbidity - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  15. Psychiatric - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  16. Medical - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  17. Integrated Treatment and Harm Reduction - Opioid Use Disorders - Answer (click here)

Substance Abuse Sedative Hypnotic or Anxiolytic Use Disorders

  1. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Substance-related Disorders of Sedative–Hypnotics - Answer (click here)
  3. Etiology and Pathophysiology, Epidemiology - Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Patterns of Abuse - Disorders of Sedative–Hypnotics - Answer (click here)
  5. Acute Intoxication with Sedative–Hypnotics - Answer (click here)
  6. Phenomenology and Variations in Presentations - Disorders of Sedative–Hypnotics - Answer (click here)
  7. Assessment - Disorders of Sedative–Hypnotics - Answer (click here)
  8. Course and Natural History - Disorders of Sedative–Hypnotics - Answer (click here)
  9. Psychotherapy - Disorders of Sedative–Hypnotics - Answer (click here)
  10. Twelve-step Recovery - Disorders of Sedative–Hypnotics - Answer (click here)
  11. Additional Treatment Considerations - Disorders of Sedative–Hypnotics - Answer (click here)
  12. Risk Factors for Low-dose Benzodiazepine Withdrawal - Answer (click here)

Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses

  1. Diagnosis - Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses - Answer (click here)
  2. DSM-IV Subtypes of Schizophrenia - Answer (click here)
  3. Schizophrenia: Epidemiological Findings: Incidence and Prevalence - Answer (click here)
  4. Sociodemographical Characteristics - Answer (click here)
  5. Schizophrenia: Morbidity and Mortality - Answer (click here)
  6. Schizophrenia: Comorbidity with Other Illnesses, Genetics, Etiology - Answer (click here)
  7. Schizophrenia: Family Prevalence Studies, Twin, Adoption - Answer (click here)
  8. Schizophrenia: Viral Hypotheses, Immune Dysfunction, Pathophysiology - Answer (click here)
  9. Schizophrenia: Neuroanatomical Theories - Answer (click here)
  10. Schizophrenia: Neurochemical Theories - Answer (click here)
  11. Schizophrenia: Clinical Manifestations and Phenomenology - Answer (click here)
  12. Schizophrenia: Symptom Cluster Analysis, Cognitive Impairment - Answer (click here)
  13. Schizophrenia: Information Processing and Attention, Learning and Memory, Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  14. Schizophrenia: Mental Status Examination - Answer (click here)
  15. Schizophrenia: Other Conditions that Resemble Schizophrenia - Answer (click here)
  16. Schizophrenia: Course of Illness - Answer (click here)
  17. Schizophrenia: First Episode Schizophrenia - Answer (click here)
  18. Schizophrenia: Treatment and Psychiatrist–Patient Relationship - Answer (click here)
  19. Schizophrenia: Psychopharmacological Treatment - Answer (click here)
  20. Depression and Schizophrenia - Answer (click here)
  21. Schizophrenia: Side Effects of Novel Antipsychotic Agents - Answer (click here)
  22. Schizophrenia: Treatment Resistance and Negative Symptoms - Answer (click here)
  23. Schizophrenia: Augmentation of Typical Neuroleptics - Answer (click here)
  24. Schizophrenia: Mechanism of Action of the Atypical Antipsychotic Agents - Answer (click here)
  25. Nonpharmacological Treatment of Schizophrenia - Answer (click here)
  26. Psychoses Disorder - Answer (click here)
  27. Differential Diagnosis - Psychoses Disorder - Answer (click here)

Mood Disorders Depression

  1. Mood Disorders: Depression - Answer (click here)
  2. Epidemiology - Depression - Answer (click here)
  3. Comorbidity Depression Patterns: General Medical Conditions - Answer (click here)
  4. Comorbidity Patterns: Other Clinical Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Depression: Disorder - Answer (click here)
  6. Depression: Etiology and Pathophysiology, Integration of Genetic and Environmental Theories - Answer (click here)
  7. Depression: Neurobiological Theories - Answer (click here)
  8. Depression: Neurohormonal Theories - Answer (click here)
  9. Depression: Psychosocial Theories - Answer (click here)
  10. Depression: Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  11. Subtyping of MDD - Answer (click here)
  12. Depression in Children and Adolescents - Answer (click here)
  13. Major Depressive Disorder in the Older Adult and in Ethnic Groups - Answer (click here)
  14. Depression: Assessment - Answer (click here)
  15. Depression: Course and Natural History - Answer (click here)
  16. Definitions of Remission, Relapse, Recovery and Recurrence - Answer (click here)
  17. Depression: Goals of Treatment - Answer (click here)
  18. Depression: Pharmacotherapy and Other Somatic Treatment - Answer (click here)
  19. Depression: Psychosocial Treatment - Answer (click here)
  20. Depression: Factors Influencing Treatment Response - Answer (click here)
  21. Comorbid Psychiatric Disorders with Major Depressive Disorder - Answer (click here)
  22. General Medical Conditions Cooccurring with Major Depressive Disorder - Answer (click here)
  23. Depression: Demographic and Sociocultural Factors in Treatment - Answer (click here)
  24. Refractory Major Depressive Disorder - Answer (click here)
  25. Dysthymic Disorder - Answer (click here)
  26. Depressive Disorder not Otherwise Specified - Answer (click here)

Mood Disorders Bipolar ManicDepressive Disorders

  1. Episodes as the Basis for Diagnosis of Manic–Depressive Disorder - Answer (click here)
  2. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Genetic and Neurotransmitter Hypotheses - Answer (click here)
  3. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Cell Degeneration and Neuroprotective Effects of Medications - Answer (click here)
  4. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Biological Rhythms - Answer (click here)
  5. Stress and Manic–Depressive Disorder - Answer (click here)
  6. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Assessment and Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  7. A “Bipolar” Disorder? - Answer (click here)
  8. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: History, Physical Examination and Laboratory Studies - Answer (click here)
  9. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Age, Gender, and Cultural Issues in Diagnosis and Assessment - Answer (click here)
  10. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Epidemiology - Answer (click here)
  11. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Clinical Outcome, Functional Outcome and Illness Costs - Answer (click here)
  12. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Treatment - Answer (click here)
  13. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Somatotherapy - Answer (click here)
  14. Bipolar (Manic–Depressive) Disorders: Special Features Influencing Treatment - Answer (click here)

Mood Disorders Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

  1. Mood Disorders: Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - Answer (click here)
  2. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  3. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Epidemiology, Etiology - Answer (click here)
  4. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Treatment - Answer (click here)

Anxiety Disorders Panic Disorder With and Without Agoraphobia

  1. Anxiety Disorders: Panic Disorder With and Without Agoraphobia - Answer (click here)
  2. Panic Disorder: Historical Overview - Answer (click here)
  3. Panic Disorder: Prevalence and Course - Answer (click here)
  4. Panic Disorder: Costs of Panic Disorder - Answer (click here)
  5. Panic Disorder: Comorbidity - Answer (click here)
  6. Panic Disorder: Etiology - Answer (click here)
  7. Panic Disorder: Neuroanatomical Hypothesis - Answer (click here)
  8. Panic Disorder: Assessment, Treatment - Answer (click here)
  9. Panic Disorder: Pharmacotherapies - Answer (click here)
  10. Panic Disorder: Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy - Answer (click here)
  11. Panic Disorder: Combining CBT with Pharmacotherapies - Answer (click here)

Anxiety Disorders Social and Specific Phobias

  1. Anxiety Disorders: Social and Specific Phobias - Answer (click here)
  2. Social and Specific Phobias: Other Biological Factors - Answer (click here)
  3. Social and Specific Phobias: Assessment - Answer (click here)
  4. Social and Specific Phobias: Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  5. Social and Specific Phobias: Specific Phobia Phenomenology and Subtypes - Answer (click here)
  6. Social Phobia Phenomenology and Subtypes - Answer (click here)
  7. Social and Specific Phobias: Epidemiology and Comorbidity - Answer (click here)
  8. Social and Specific Phobias: Course and Natural History - Answer (click here)
  9. Social and Specific Phobias: Treatment - Answer (click here)
  10. Social and Specific Phobias: Pharmacotherapy - Answer (click here)
  11. Social and Specific Phobias: Psychosocial Treatments - Answer (click here)
  12. Refractory Patients and Nonresponse to Initial Treatment - Answer (click here)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  1. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder - Answer (click here)
  2. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Epidemiology, Demographic Characteristics - Answer (click here)
  3. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Course and Natural History - Answer (click here)
  4. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Contamination - Answer (click here)
  5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Obsessions - Answer (click here)
  6. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Pathological Doubt, Insight, Comorbidity - Answer (click here)
  7. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  8. Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder Versus Other Disorders - Answer (click here)
  9. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Etiology, Pathophysiology, Factors - Answer (click here)
  10. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Psychoanalytic Theory - Answer (click here)
  11. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Treatment, Pharmacological Treatments, Assessing Treatment Resistance - Answer (click here)
  12. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Augmentation Strategies - Answer (click here)
  13. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Issues in the Physician–Patient Relationship - Answer (click here)
  14. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Duration and Discontinuation of Treatment - Answer (click here)

Anxiety Disorders Traumatic Stress Disorders

  1. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Epidemiology, Etiology and Pathophysiology - Answer (click here)
  2. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Psychological Factors, Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  3. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Assessment, Course and Natural History - Answer (click here)
  4. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Pharmacotherapy - Answer (click here)
  5. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Cognitive, Cognitive–Behavioral and Behavioral Therapies - Answer (click here)
  6. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Psychodynamic Therapy - Answer (click here)
  7. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Special Features Influencing Treatment - Answer (click here)
  8. Acute Stress Disorder - Answer (click here)

Anxiety Disorders Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  1. Anxiety Disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Answer (click here)
  2. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Etiology and Pathophysiology - Answer (click here)
  3. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Psychological Mechanisms - Answer (click here)
  4. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Assessment and Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  5. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  6. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Epidemiology and Comorbidity - Answer (click here)
  7. Generalized Anxiety Disorder:Comorbidity with Other Disorders - Answer (click here)
  8. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Course, Treatment, Doctor-Patient Relationship - Answer (click here)
  9. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Pharmacotherapy - Answer (click here)
  10. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Nonpharmacological Treatments - Answer (click here)
  11. Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Long-term Management of Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Answer (click here)
  12. Comorbidity and the Treatment of GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder) - Answer (click here)
  13. Treatment of GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder) in the Elderly - Answer (click here)
  14. Treatment of GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder) in Adolescents and Children - Answer (click here)

Somatoform Disorders

  1. Somatoform Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Somatoform Disorders: Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  3. Somatoform Disorders: Epidemiology, Treatment - Answer (click here)
  4. Somatization Disorder - Answer (click here)
  5. Somatization disorder: Course, Natural History and Prognosis - Answer (click here)
  6. Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder - Answer (click here)
  7. Conversion Disorder - Answer (click here)
  8. Pain Disorder - Answer (click here)
  9. Hypochondriasis - Answer (click here)
  10. Body Dysmorphic Disorder - Answer (click here)
  11. Somatoform Disorder not Otherwise Specified - Answer (click here)

Factitious Disorders

  1. Factitious Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Factitious Disorders: Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis, Epidemiology, Etiology - Answer (click here)
  3. Factitious Disorders: Treatment and Prognosis - Answer (click here)
  4. Factitious Disorders: Ethical Considerations, Factitious Disorder by Proxy, Treatment - Answer (click here)

Dissociative Disorders

  1. Dissociative Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Dissociative Disorders: Epidemiology - Answer (click here)
  3. Dissociative Disorders: Diagnostic Criteria and Treatment Dissociative Amnesia - Answer (click here)
  4. Dissociative Disorders: Implicit Effects of Dissociated Memories - Answer (click here)
  5. Depersonalization Disorder - Answer (click here)
  6. Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) - Answer (click here)
  7. Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) - Answer (click here)
  8. Dissociative Trance Disorder - Answer (click here)
  9. Acute Stress Disorder - Answer (click here)
  10. Theoretical and Research Issues: Models and Mechanisms of Dissociation - Answer (click here)

Sexual Disorders

  1. Sexual Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Sexual Disorders: The Sexual Dysfunctions - Answer (click here)
  3. Sexual Disorders: Problems with Orgasm - Answer (click here)
  4. Sexual Disorders: Dyspareunia - Answer (click here)
  5. Sexual Disorders: Gender Identity Disorders - Answer (click here)
  6. Sexual Disorders: The Paraphilias - Answer (click here)
  7. Sexual Disorders: The Specific Paraphilias - Answer (click here)
  8. Sexual Disorder Not Otherwise Specified - Answer (click here)

Eating Disorders

  1. Eating Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Anorexia Nervosa - Answer (click here)
  3. Anorexia Nervosa: Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  4. Bulimia Nervosa - Answer (click here)
  5. Bulimia Nervosa: Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  6. Bulimia Nervosa: Assessment - Answer (click here)
  7. Bulimia Nervosa: Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  8. Binge-eating Disorder - Answer (click here)

Sleep and Sleep Wake Disorders

  1. Physiological Regulation of Sleep and Wakefulness - Answer (click here)
  2. Normal Age-related Changes in Sleep and Wakefulness - Answer (click here)
  3. Neurophysiology and Neurochemistry of Sleep - Answer (click here)
  4. Sleep Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. General Approach to the Patient with a Sleep Disorder - Answer (click here)
  6. Role of the Sleep Laboratory in Clinical Sleep Disorders - Answer (click here)
  7. Dyssomnias - Answer (click here)
  8. Dyssomnias: Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  9. Breathing-related Sleep Disorder - Answer (click here)
  10. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder (Sleep–Wake Schedule Disorders) - Answer (click here)
  11. Sleep-Wake Disorders: Shift Work - Answer (click here)
  12. Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep - Answer (click here)
  13. Parasomnias - Answer (click here)
  14. Polysomnographic Features of Sleep in Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  15. General Approaches to the Clinical Management of Sleep Disorders in Psychiatric Patients - Answer (click here)
  16. Sleep Disorders in Other Medical Conditions - Answer (click here)

Impulse Control Disorders

  1. Impulse Control Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Intermittent Explosive Disorder - Answer (click here)
  3. Kleptomania - Answer (click here)
  4. Pyromania and Fire-setting Behavior - Answer (click here)
  5. Pathological Gambling - Answer (click here)
  6. Pathological Gambling: Course and Treatment - Answer (click here)
  7. Trichotillomania - Answer (click here)
  8. Trichotillomania: Course, Treatment, Demographical Features - Answer (click here)

Adjustment Disorders

  1. Adjustment Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Adjustment Disorders: Epidemiology - Answer (click here)
  3. Adjustment Disorders: Etiology - Answer (click here)
  4. Adjustment Disorders: Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  5. Adjustment Disorders: Maladaptation, Stresses - Answer (click here)
  6. Assessment of the Subtypes of Adjustment Disorder, Comorbidity and Diagnostic Boundaries - Answer (click here)
  7. Adjustment Disorders: Treatment - Answer (click here)

Personality Disorders

  1. Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  2. Paranoid Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  3. Schizoid Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  4. Schizotypal Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  5. Antisocial Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  6. Borderline Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  7. Histrionic Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  8. Narcissistic Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  9. Avoidant Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  10. Dependent Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  11. Obsessive–Compulsive Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  12. Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specified - Answer (click here)
  13. Passive–Aggressive (Negativistic) Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)
  14. Depressive Personality Disorder - Answer (click here)

Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition

  1. Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition - Answer (click here)
  2. Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition: Etiology and Pathophysiology - Answer (click here)
  3. Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition: Assessment and Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  4. Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition: Differential Diagnosis - Answer (click here)
  5. Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition: Epidemiology and Comorbidity, Course - Answer (click here)
  6. Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition: Treatment - Answer (click here)
  7. Psychological Factors in Oncology - Answer (click here)
  8. Psychological Factors in Cardiology - Answer (click here)
  9. Psychological Factors in Endocrinology - Answer (click here)
  10. Psychological Factors in Pulmonary Disease - Answer (click here)
  11. Psychological Factors in Rheumatoid Arthritis - Answer (click here)
  12. Psychological Factors in Neurology - Answer (click here)
  13. Psychological Factors in End-stage Renal Disease - Answer (click here)
  14. Psychological Factors in Gastroenterology - Answer (click here)
  15. Psychological Factors Affecting Infectious Diseases - Answer (click here)
  16. Psychological Factors in Obstetrics and Infertility - Answer (click here)

Medication induced Movement Disorders

  1. Medication-induced Movement Disorders - Answer (click here)
  2. Neuroleptic-induced Acute Dystonia - Answer (click here)
  3. Neuroleptic-induced Parkinsonism - Answer (click here)
  4. Neuroleptic-induced Acute Akathisia - Answer (click here)
  5. Neuroleptic-induced tardive dyskinesia - Answer (click here)
  6. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome - Answer (click here)
  7. Medication-induced Postural Tremor - Answer (click here)

Relational Problems

  1. Relational Problems - Answer (click here)
  2. Diagnosis of Relational Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Assessment of Relational Disorders - Answer (click here)
  4. Treatment of Relational Disorders - Answer (click here)

Individual Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

  1. What is Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy? - Answer (click here)
  2. Transference and Resistance, Countertransference and Counterresistance - Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Answer (click here)
  3. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Basic Technique - Answer (click here)
  4. How Does Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Work? - Answer (click here)
  5. Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy: Therapeutic Alliance - Answer (click here)
  6. How Does Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Differ from Psychoanalysis? - Answer (click here)
  7. Tasks of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist - Answer (click here)
  8. Indications for Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Answer (click here)
  9. Contraindications to Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Answer (click here)
  10. Supportive Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy - Answer (click here)
  11. Gender and Ethnocultural Issues in Psychotherapy - Answer (click here)

Group Psychotherapy

  1. Group Psychotherapy - Answer (click here)
  2. Group Psychotherapy: Group Development - Answer (click here)
  3. Group Psychotherapy: Group Dynamics - Answer (click here)
  4. Theories of Group Therapy - Answer (click here)
  5. Group Psychotherapy: Beginning a Group - Answer (click here)
  6. Group Psychotherapy: Special Treatment Considerations - Answer (click here)
  7. Group Psychotherapy: Alternative Treatment Formats - Answer (click here)

Time limited Psychotherapy Including Interpersonal Therapy

  1. What is Time-limited Psychotherapy? - Answer (click here)
  2. Overview of Interpersonal Psychotherapy - Answer (click here)
  3. General Principles of Time-limited Psychotherapy - Answer (click here)
  4. Practical Issues in Time-limited Therapy - Answer (click here)
  5. Common Problems in Time-limited Psychotherapy - Answer (click here)
  6. Contraindication to Time-limited Psychotherapy - Answer (click here)

Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies

  1. Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies - Answer (click here)
  2. Cognitive Model - Answer (click here)
  3. Behavioral Model - Answer (click here)
  4. Cognitive and Behavioral Treatment Strategies - Answer (click here)
  5. Behavioral Techniques - Answer (click here)
  6. Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies: Treatment - Answer (click here)

Family Therapy

  1. Family Therapy - Answer (click here)
  2. Psychodynamic Family Therapy - Answer (click here)
  3. Structural Family Therapy - Answer (click here)
  4. Strategic Family Therapy - Answer (click here)
  5. Cognitive–Behavioral Family Therapy - Answer (click here)
  6. Postmodern Family Therapies - Answer (click here)
  7. Family Psychoeducation Therapies - Answer (click here)
  8. Family Resilience Therapies - Answer (click here)

Couples Therapy

  1. What Is “Couples Therapy?” - Answer (click here)
  2. Couples Therapy: Couples Function and Dysfunction - Answer (click here)
  3. Couples Therapy: Secrets and Confidentiality - Answer (click here)
  4. Evaluation of the Couple - Answer (click here)
  5. Indications for Couples Therapy - Answer (click here)
  6. Individual, Couple, or Sex Therapy for Sexual Problems - Answer (click here)
  7. Couples Therapy: Treatment - Answer (click here)
  8. Couples Therapy: Strategies and Techniques of Intervention - Answer (click here)
  9. Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction - Answer (click here)
  10. Couples Therapy: Effectiveness and Efficacy, Dropouts, Ethical Issues, Boundaries - Answer (click here)


  1. Hypnosis - Answer (click here)
  2. Hypnosis: What It is and What It is Not - Answer (click here)
  3. Hypnotizability Scales - Answer (click here)
  4. Hypnotizability in Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  5. Applications of Hypnosis - Answer (click here)
  6. Applications of Hypnosis in General Medicine - Answer (click here)
  7. Applications of Hypnosis in Habit Control - Answer (click here)
  8. Applications of Hypnosis in Forensic Psychiatry - Answer (click here)

Psychosocial Rehabilitation

  1. Psychosocial Rehabilitation - Answer (click here)
  2. Issues in the Design of Psychosocial Interventions - Answer (click here)
  3. Psychosocial Rehabilitation Strategies - Answer (click here)

Electroconvulsive Therapy

  1. Electroconvulsive Therapy(ECT) - Answer (click here)
  2. Electroconvulsive Therapy(ECT): Treatment - Answer (click here)
  3. New Somatic Treatments - Answer (click here)

Neurosurgery for Treatment Refractory Psychiatric Disorders

  1. Characteristics of Patients Undergoing Neurosurgery for Treatment-refractory OCD and MDD - Answer (click here)
  2. Interventions - Neurosurgery for Treatment Refractory Psychiatric Disorders - Answer (click here)
  3. Risks of Neurosurgical Intervention - Answer (click here)
  4. Recent Advances in Neurosurgery - Answer (click here)

Ethnic and Cultural Perspectives in Psychopharmacology

  1. Ethnic and Cultural Perspectives in Psychopharmacology - Answer (click here)

Antipsychotic Drugs

  1. Pharmacology of Antipsychotic Agents - Answer (click here)
  2. Antipsychotic Medications for Different Indications - Answer (click here)
  3. Effects of Antipsychotic Agents on Symptoms of Schizophrenia - Answer (click here)
  4. Treatment of Different Phases of Schizophrenia - Answer (click here)
  5. Use of Plasma Levels of Antipsychotic Drugs - Answer (click here)
  6. Drug Interactions and Antipsychotic Agents - Answer (click here)
  7. Antipsychotic Medications and Pregnancy - Answer (click here)
  8. Antipsychotic Drugs: Adverse Effects - Answer (click here)

Mood Stabilizers

  1. Acute Mania - Answer (click here)
  2. Acute Bipolar Depression - Answer (click here)
  3. Maintenance Therapy - Answer (click here)


  1. Antidepressants: Mechanisms of Actions - Answer (click here)
  2. Antidepressants: Taxonomy and Relation to Mechanism of Action - Answer (click here)
  3. Antidepressants: The Formulation of Treatment - Answer (click here)
  4. Antidepressants: Preparation of the Patient - Answer (click here)
  5. Antidepressants: Initiation of Treatment - Answer (click here)
  6. Antidepressants: Starting Doses - Answer (click here)
  7. Antidepressants: Continuation Period - Answer (click here)
  8. Antidepressants: Discontinuance of Treatment - Answer (click here)
  9. Antidepressants: Maintenance Period - Answer (click here)
  10. Antidepressants: Treatment Failure - Answer (click here)

Anxiolytic Drugs

  1. Anxiolytic Drugs - Answer (click here)

Sedative Hypnotic Agents

  1. Sedative-Hypnotic Agents - Answer (click here)
  2. Sedative-Hypnotic Agents: Nonprescription Agents - Answer (click here)
  3. Sedative-Hypnotic Agents: Prescription Medications - Answer (click here)
  4. Sedative-Hypnotic Agents: Suggested Guidelines for Prescribing Medications - Answer (click here)

Stimulants and Related Compounds

  1. Psychostimulants: Efficacy and Utility - Answer (click here)
  2. Formulation of Treatment - Answer (click here)
  3. Treatment with Stimulant Medications - Answer (click here)
  4. Treatment Failure and Use of Long-acting Preparations - Answer (click here)

Cognitive Enhancers and Treatments for Alzheimers Disease

  1. Cognitive Enhancers and Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease - Answer (click here)
  2. Restorative Approaches: Other Agents - Answer (click here)
  3. Etiologically-directed Approaches in AD(Alzheimer’s Disease) - Answer (click here)

Pharmacotherapies for Substance Abuse

  1. Syndromes Related to Intoxication - Answer (click here)
  2. Drug Treatment of Withdrawal Syndromes - Answer (click here)
  3. Management of Withdrawal in Patients with Drug Dependencies - Answer (click here)
  4. Pharmacotherapies for Substance Abusers with Additional Types of Psychiatric Illness - Answer (click here)

Therapeutic Management of the Suicidal Patient

  1. Therapeutic Management of the Suicidal Patient - Answer (click here)
  2. Hypotheses - Therapeutic Management of the Suicidal Patient - Answer (click here)
  3. Psychiatric Diagnoses - Therapeutic Management of the Suicidal Patient - Answer (click here)
  4. Risk Factors - Therapeutic Management of the Suicidal Patient - Answer (click here)
  5. Assessment of Suicidal Patients - Answer (click here)
  6. Intervention, Education - Therapeutic Management of the Suicidal Patient - Answer (click here)
  7. Therapeutic Management of the Suicidal Patient: Lithium, Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) - Answer (click here)
  8. Psychosocial Interventions - Therapeutic Management of the Suicidal Patient - Answer (click here)
  9. Aftermath: Clinicians Coping with Patient Suicide - Answer (click here)

Treatment of Violent Behavior

  1. Treatment of Violent Behavior - Answer (click here)
  2. Pathophysiology of Aggressive Behavior - Answer (click here)
  3. Acute Agitation - Answer (click here)
  4. Treatment of Violent Behavior: Long-term Treatment - Answer (click here)

Combined Therapies Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy

  1. Combined Therapies: Psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy - Answer (click here)
  2. Positive Aspects - Answer (click here)
  3. Negative Aspects - Answer (click here)
  4. Legal Issues - Split treatment - Answer (click here)
  5. Ethical Issues in Split Treatment - Answer (click here)
  6. Toward Successful Split Treatment - Answer (click here)

Medication Compliance

  1. Medication Compliance - Answer (click here)

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