Thursday, 10 May 2018

Biology - Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

- Lecture Notes, Study Materials and Important questions answers

Subject : Biology

Introduction to Biology

  1. Introduction to Biology - Answer (click here)
  2. Principal Branches of Biology - Answer (click here)
  3. Great scientists in Biology - Answer (click here)
  4. Characteristics of Plants and Animals - Answer (click here)
  5. Role of Biology in Social, Economic and Environmental Development - Answer (click here)
  6. Nature and Origin of Life - Answer (click here)

Structure and Nature of Living Cell

  1. Structure and Nature of Living Cell - Answer (click here)
  2. Plasma membrane or Cell membrane: Stucture, Functions - Answer (click here)
  3. Cytoplasm: Stucture, Functions - Answer (click here)
  4. Nucleus: Stucture, Functions - Answer (click here)
  5. Structure and Functions of Chloroplast - Answer (click here)
  6. Structure and Functions of Golgi bodies/Golgi apparatus - Answer (click here)

Cell Division

  1. Types of cell division - Answer (click here)
  2. Stages of Mitosis - Answer (click here)
  3. Significance of Mitosis - Answer (click here)
  4. Abnormal cell division - Answer (click here)
  5. Male-Female determining chromosome - Answer (click here)

Division of Labour In Multicellular Plants

  1. Types of Tissue - Answer (click here)
  2. Characrteristics of Meristamatic tissues - Answer (click here)
  3. Characteristics of Permanent tissue - Answer (click here)
  4. Types of permanent tissue - Answer (click here)
  5. Laticiferous tissues and Glandular tissues - Answer (click here)
  6. Tissue System and types of Tissue System - Answer (click here)
  7. Types of Simple permanent tissue and its Functions - Answer (click here)
  8. Types of Complex permanent tissue and its Functions - Answer (click here)

Animal Tissue Organ and Organ System

  1. Animal Tissue, Organ and Organ System - Answer (click here)
  2. Differences between Tissue and Cell - Answer (click here)
  3. Types of Tissues - Answer (click here)
  4. Structural Characteristics, Function and Location of Epithelial Tissue - Answer (click here)
  5. Structural Characteristics, Functions and Location of Connective Tissue - Answer (click here)
  6. Structural Characteristics, Function and Location of The Muscular Tissue - Answer (click here)
  7. Structural Characteristics, Function and Location of The Nerve Tissue - Answer (click here)
  8. Necessary Organs of Human Body - Answer (click here)
  9. Co-ordination between Organs and Systems to keep the body fit - Answer (click here)

Classification of Plants

  1. Classification of Plants - Answer (click here)
  2. Unit of Plants classification and Taxa - Answer (click here)
  3. Virus - Answer (click here)
  4. Bacteria - Answer (click here)
  5. Algae - Answer (click here)
  6. Fungi: Structure and Reproduction - Answer (click here)
  7. Bryophyta: Characteristics and Importance - Answer (click here)
  8. Pteridophyta: Characteristics and Importance - Answer (click here)
  9. Gymnosperm: Characteristics and Importance - Answer (click here)
  10. Monocotyledonous or Monocot plants:: Characteristics and Importance - Answer (click here)
  11. Dicotyledonous or Dicot Plants: Characteristics and Importance - Answer (click here)

Animal Diversity and Classification

  1. Animal Diversiy - Answer (click here)
  2. Short Description of Diversification or Bio-Diversity - Answer (click here)
  3. Animal Taxonomy - Answer (click here)
  4. Necessity of Animal Classification - Answer (click here)
  5. Rules for Modern or Natural Classification in Animal Diversity - Answer (click here)
  6. Plylum - Sarcomastigophorea Kingdom - Protista - Answer (click here)
  7. Phylum - Cnidaria - Answer (click here)
  8. Phylum Platyhelminthes - Answer (click here)
  9. Phylum Nematoda - Answer (click here)
  10. Plylum Annelida - Answer (click here)
  11. Phylum Arthropoda - Answer (click here)
  12. Phylum Mollusca - Answer (click here)
  13. Phylum Echinodermata - Answer (click here)
  14. Phylum chordata - Answer (click here)

Structural Organization and Acquaintance of Animals

  1. Amoeba: Habit and Habitat - Answer (click here)
  2. Body structure of Amoeba and its functions - Answer (click here)
  3. Amoeba Locomotion - Answer (click here)
  4. Amoeba: Process of intake of food or Nutrition - Answer (click here)
  5. Amoeba: Digestion, Absorption and Egestion - Answer (click here)
  6. Amoeba: Respiration, Excretion - Answer (click here)
  7. Reproduction of Amoeba: Binary fission and Sporulation - Answer (click here)
  8. Round Worm: External morphology and Habitat - Answer (click here)
  9. Round Worm: Digestive system - Answer (click here)
  10. Round Worm: Parasite and its Characteristics - Answer (click here)
  11. Round Worm: Excretory System - Answer (click here)
  12. Round Worm: Reproductive System - Answer (click here)
  13. Round Worm: Ascariasis disease and its symptoms, Prevention - Answer (click here)
  14. Toad: Habit, Habitat - Answer (click here)
  15. External morphology of Toad - Answer (click here)
  16. Skeletal system of Toad - Answer (click here)
  17. Toad: Axial skeleton and its functions - Answer (click here)
  18. Toad: Vertebral column and its functions - Answer (click here)
  19. Toad: Appendicular skeleton(Pectoral girdle, Pelvic girdle) and its functions - Answer (click here)
  20. Toad: Digestive system - Answer (click here)
  21. Toad: Nutrition and Digestion - Answer (click here)
  22. Toad: Circulatory system - Answer (click here)
  23. Toad: Blood(Plasma and Blood corpuscles) - Answer (click here)
  24. Toad: Heart - Answer (click here)
  25. Toad: Blood vessels(Artery, Vein and Capillary) - Answer (click here)
  26. Toad: Venous system - Answer (click here)
  27. Toad: Respiratory system - Answer (click here)
  28. Toad: Glucose oxidation and energy production, Glycolysis and Kreb's cycle - Answer (click here)
  29. Toad: Nervous system - Answer (click here)
  30. Toad: Structure of brain - Answer (click here)
  31. Toad: Cranial nerves - Answer (click here)
  32. Toad: Excretory system - Answer (click here)
  33. Toad: Reproductives system - Answer (click here)

Physiological Activities in Plants Nutrition

  1. Plant Nutrition and Nutrient Elements - Answer (click here)
  2. Imbibition - Answer (click here)
  3. Osmosis: Two types, Condition, Experiment, Absorption - Answer (click here)
  4. Ascent of Sap - Answer (click here)
  5. Transpiration and Types of Transpiration - Answer (click here)
  6. Stomata: Process of Stomatal Tranpiration and Factors affecting - Answer (click here)
  7. Photosynthesis: Process, Organ, Factors Affecting, Importance - Answer (click here)
  8. Importance of Photosynthesis - Answer (click here)
  9. Some Experiments on Photosynthesis - Answer (click here)
  10. Experiment to demonstrate that Oxygen is evolved during Photosynthesis - Answer (click here)
  11. Experiment to show that photosynthesis do not occur without chlorophyll - Answer (click here)
  12. Experiment to show that light is essential for Photosynthesis - Answer (click here)
  13. Experiment to show that photosynthesis cannot occur without CO2 - Answer (click here)
  14. Evolution of O2 during photosynthesis - Answer (click here)
  15. Respiration: Respiratory substrate, Types of respiration - Answer (click here)
  16. Importance of Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration - Answer (click here)
  17. Factors Affecting Respiration - Answer (click here)
  18. Experiment to prove that Heat is evolved during Respiration - Answer (click here)
  19. Experiment of Anaerobic Respiration - Answer (click here)
  20. Growth and Development of Plant - Answer (click here)
  21. Tropism - Answer (click here)
  22. Effect of Light and Temperature on Plant Growth and Yield - Answer (click here)
  23. Importance of photoperiodism and Vernalization - Answer (click here)


  1. Different Parts of a Flower(Datura Flower) - Answer (click here)
  2. Different kinds of Flower - Answer (click here)

Pollination Fertilization And Dispersal of Fruits and seeds

  1. Pollination: Two types, Significance, Merits, Demerits - Answer (click here)
  2. Pollinating Agents: Types and Characteristics - Answer (click here)
  3. Fertilization in Plant - Answer (click here)
  4. Dispersal of Fruits and Seeds - Answer (click here)

Reproduction of Plants

  1. Reproduction of Plants and itsTypes - Answer (click here)

Organism and Environment

  1. Organism and Environment - Answer (click here)
  2. Components of Ecology - Answer (click here)
  3. Food chain - Answer (click here)
  4. Food web - Answer (click here)
  5. Nutrient flow in Eco system - Answer (click here)
  6. Energy flow in Ecosystem - Answer (click here)
  7. Major Eco systems - Answer (click here)
  8. Responsibility of man in maintaining balance of an environment - Answer (click here)

Pollution and Conservation of Environment

  1. Pollution and Conservation of Environment - Answer (click here)
  2. Green House Effect - Answer (click here)
  3. Role of Human beings in conservation of Environment - Answer (click here)
  4. Effect of Urbanization and Industrialisation on Environment - Answer (click here)
  5. Industrialisation is mainly of two types - Answer (click here)

Natural Diversities of Bangladesh Distribution of Plants and Animals

  1. Natural Diversities of Bangladesh-Distribution of Plants and Animals - Answer (click here)
  2. Recent flood plain - Answer (click here)
  3. Haor and other Marshy lands - Answer (click here)
  4. Pleistocene uplands - Answer (click here)
  5. Tertiary hilly region - Answer (click here)
  6. Coastal Forest or Mangrove forest - Answer (click here)
  7. Saint Martin's Island - Answer (click here)

Economic Biology Botany

  1. Food producing plants - Answer (click here)
  2. Cloth producing plants - Answer (click here)
  3. Plants used for house building purposes - Answer (click here)
  4. Medicinal Plants - Answer (click here)
  5. Beverage yielding plants - Answer (click here)

Economic Biology

  1. Prawn Culture: Economic importance and Kinds of prawn - Answer (click here)
  2. Method of culture of fresh water prawn or Galda prawn - Answer (click here)
  3. Method of culture of saline water prawn or Bagda prawn - Answer (click here)
  4. Introduction of fishes - Answer (click here)
  5. Importance of fish cultivation - Answer (click here)
  6. Method of fish culture - Answer (click here)
  7. Culture of silk worms or sericulture - Answer (click here)
  8. Characteristics of silk fibers and economic importance of silk worms - Answer (click here)
  9. Life cycle and silk cultivation - Answer (click here)
  10. Bee keeping: Castes, life cycle, economic importance, artificial bee culture - Answer (click here)
  11. Castes(various types) of bees - Answer (click here)
  12. Life cycle of bees - Answer (click here)
  13. Some harmful insects or pests of paddy and jute - Answer (click here)

Practical Botany

  1. Microscope: Structure, Uses, Functioning Processes of Simple , Compound Microscope - Answer (click here)
  2. Study of the Structure of a Flowering Plant - Answer (click here)
  3. Study of the Structure of Plant and Animal Cells - Answer (click here)
  4. Study of the Stages of Mitosis from Permanent Slides - Answer (click here)
  5. Study of Distribution of Tissue System in Dicot Stem - Answer (click here)
  6. Study of the Structural Features of Different Plant Groups - Answer (click here)
  7. Experiment to Demonstrate the Process of Osmosis with the help of Raisin - Answer (click here)
  8. Demonstration of cell-to-cell osmosis by Potato Osmoscope - Answer (click here)
  9. Demonstration of Ascent of sap from root to stem and leaves with the help of Peperomia plant - Answer (click here)
  10. Experiment to show that Light is essential for Photosynthesis - Answer (click here)
  11. Experiment to prove that Heat is evolved during Respiration - Answer (click here)
  12. Experiment to show the germination of pollen grains to form pollen tube - Answer (click here)
  13. Experiment to show that CO2 is evolved during respiration - Answer (click here)

Practical Zoology

  1. Earthworm: Classification, External Features, Digestive System, Method of Dissection - Answer (click here)
  2. Prawn: Classification, External Features, Digestive System, Method of Dissection - Answer (click here)
  3. Grasshopper: Classification, External Features, Digestive System, Method of Dissection - Answer (click here)
  4. Toad: External Features, Digestive System, Method of Dissection, Skeleton - Answer (click here)
  5. Digestive system of Toad - Answer (click here)
  6. Skeleton of toad - Answer (click here)
  7. Channa punctatus (Lata/Taki Fish): External Features, Digestive System, Method of Dissection - Answer (click here)
  8. Examples of Animals taken from each of the major Phyla, their identifying Characters, Observations and Figures - Answer (click here)

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